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Richardson, Sarah ’08

Togunde, D., & Richardson, S. (2008). Children’s Educational and Occupational Aspirations in Urban Nigeria: Implications for Policy Development. Research Journal of International Studies(7), 19-31.

Togunde, D., & Richardson, S. (2006). Household Size and Composition as Correlates of Child Labour in Urban Nigeria. Africa Development, 31(1), 50-65.

Rinkinen, Jacob ’11

Togunde, D., Osagie, S., & Rinkinen, J. (2010). Dating Patterns and Practices in the Era of Globalization in Nigeria. Global Studies Journal, 3(2), 67-84.

Togunde, D., & Rinkinen, J. (2010). Homogeneous Faith, Ethnic Diversity: Desirable and Undesirable Traits in a Marital Partner in Nigeria. International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations, 10(1), 219-238.