The Stockwell-Mudd Libraries support the mission of Albion College by providing exemplary research services and resources to students, faculty and staff.
Our extensive print and electronic collections provide access to a wealth of scholarly information through subscription and open access databases, journals, and streaming services. Seamless access to our physical and electronic collections is made possible with LibrarySearch, our next-generation Library Management and Discovery System. Resources not available locally can be quickly and easily obtained from other libraries through MeLCat or Rapido interlibrary loan.
The Stockwell Memorial Library (1938) includes quiet and group study spaces, the popular Read Between the Grinds Cafe, the Cutler Center for Student Success, Peer Tutoring, and the United Methodist Church Western Michigan Conference Archives.
The Seeley G. Mudd Learning Center (1980) houses the Library Services desk, the Library computer lab, the Innovation Lab, quiet and group study spaces, study rooms, and the College Archives and Special Collections.
Library staff are highly skilled and conscious of their public service role and mission. Librarians are available to provide research assistance through in-person and virtual appointments, online via chat or email, or by phone. Librarians promote partnerships between academic departments and the Library in order to develop high-quality collections and provide a variety of library instruction services to support the College’s liberal arts curriculum and promote information literacy. Library instruction services include general library orientation and information literacy sessions, course-specific and assignment-specific library instruction, and course-embedded library instruction.
Contact the Library by emailing library@albion.edu or calling 517-629-0382.