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Miller, Aaron

Hamel, D. R., Shalm, L. K., Hubel, H., Miller, A. J., Marsili, F., Verma, V. B., et al. (2014). Direct generation of three-photon polarization entanglementNature Photonics, 8(10).

Sridhar, N., Shahrokhshahi, R., Miller, A. J., Calkins, B., Gerrits, T., Lita, A., et al. (2014). Direct measurement of the Wigner function by photon-number-resolving detectionJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 31(10), B34-B40.

Christensen, B. G., McCusker, K. T., Altepeter, J. B., Calkins, B., Gerrits, T., Lita, A. E., Miller, A., et al. (2013). Detection-Loophole-Free Test of Quantum Nonlocality, and Applications. Physical Review Letters, 111(13).

Miller, A. J., Lita, A. E., Calkins, B., Vayshenker, I., Gruber, S. M., & Nam, S. W. (2011). Compact cryogenic self-aligning fiber-to-detector coupling with losses below one percentOptics Express, 19(10), 9102-9110.

Gerrits, T., Glancy, S., Clement, T. S., Calkins, B., Lita, A. E., Miller, A. J., et al. (2010). Generation of Optical Coherent-State Superpositions by Number-Resolved Photon Subtraction from the Squeezed VacuumPhysical Review A, 82(3).

Lita, A., Miller, A., & Nam, S. (2008). Energy Collection Efficiency of Tungsten Transition-Edge Sensors in the near-InfraredJournal of Low Temperature Physics, 151(1), 125-130.

Miki, S., Fujiwara, M., Sasaki, M., Baek, B., Miller, A. J., Hadfield, R. H., et al. (2008). Large Sensitive-Area NbN Nanowire Superconducting Single-Photon Detectors Fabricated on Single-Crystal MgO Substrates. Applied Physics Letters, 92(6).

Lita, A. E., Miller, A. J., & Nam, S. W. (2008). Counting near-Infrared Single-Photons with 95% EfficiencyOptics Express, 16(5), 3032-3040.

Rosenberg, D., Nam, S. W., Hiskett, P. A., Peterson, C. G., Hughes, R. J., Nordholt, J. E., Lita, A. E.; Miller, A. J. (2006). Quantum key distribution at telecom wavelengths with noise-free detectors. Applied Physics Letters, 88(2).

Hiskett, P. A., Rosenberg, D., Peterson, C. G., Hughes, R. J., Nam, S., Lita, A. E., Miller, A. J., Nordholt, J. E. (2006). Long-Distance Quantum Key Distribution in Optical FibreNew Journal of Physics, 8, 193-199

Hadfield, R. H., Stevens, M. J., Gruber, S. S., Miller, A. J., Schwall, R. E., Mirin, R. P., et al. (2005). Single Photon Source Characterization with a Superconducting Single Photon Detector. Optics Express, 13(26), 10846-10853.

