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Baker, Vicki

Baker, V. L. (2020). The Professoriate in Liberal Arts Colleges: Early Career Faculty Socialization and Learning. In J. C. Weidman & L. DeAngelo (Eds.), Socialization in Higher Education and the Early Career: Theory, Research and Application (pp. 93-112). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Griffin, K. A., Baker, V. L., & O’Meara, K. (2020). Doing, Caring, and Being: “Good” Mentoring and Its Role in the Socialization of Graduate Students of Color in STEM. In J. C. Weidman & L. DeAngelo (Eds.), Socialization in Higher Education and the Early Career: Theory, Research and Application (pp. 223-239). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

McCaffrey, V. P., Baker, V. L., & Manning, C. (2019). Divisional Trends in Undergraduate Research: A Data-Driven Dialogue in the Creative ArtsPerspectives on Undergraduate Research & Mentoring, 8(1)

Pifer, M. J., Baker, V. L., & Lunsford, L. G. (2019). Culture, Colleagues, and Leadership: The Academic Department as a Location of Faculty Experiences in Liberal Arts CollegesThe Review of Higher Education, 42(2), 537-564.

Baker, V. L., Lunsford, L. G., Neisler, G., Pifer, M. J., & Terosky, A. L. (Eds.). (2019). Success After Tenure: Supporting Mid-Career Faculty. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

Baker, V. L., Lunsford, L. G., & Pifer, M. J. (2019). Patching Up the “Leaking Leadership Pipeline”: Fostering Mid-career Faculty Succession ManagementResearch in Higher Education60, 823-843.

Baker, V. L., & Carlson, J. (2018). Business in a Liberal Arts College: Undergraduate Research Experiences That Cultivate Habits of the Heart and Mind. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research, 2(2), 49-54.

Griffin, K., Baker, V., Nyunt, G., Robinson, T., & Staples Candice, L. (2018). Supporting scientists from underrepresented minority backgroundsStudies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, 9(1), 19-37.

Lunsford, L., Baker, V., & Pifer, M. (2018). Faculty mentoring faculty: career stages, relationship quality, and job satisfactionInternational Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 7(2), 139-154.

Baker, V. L., Pifer, M. J., & Lunsford, L. G. (2018). Faculty development in liberal arts colleges: a look at divisional trends, preferences, and needs. Higher Education Research & Development, 1-16.

Crisp, G., Baker, V. L., Griffin, K. A., Lunsford, L. G., & Pifer, M. J. (2017). Mentoring Undergraduate StudentsASHE Higher Education Report, 43(1), 7-103.

Baker, V. L., Lunsford, L. G., & Pifer, M. J. (2017). Developing Faculty in Liberal Arts Colleges: Aligning Individual Needs and Organizational Goals. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Baker, V., & Terosky, A. (2017). Early Career Faculty Mentoring: Career Cycles, Learning and Support. In D. A. Clutterbuck, F. K. Kochan, L. Lunsford, N. Dominguez & J. Haddock-Millar (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Mentoring: SAGE Publishing.

Baker, V. L., Terosky, A. L., & Martinez, E. (2017). Faculty Members’ Scholarly Learning Across Institutional Types (ASHE Higher Education Report, Volume 43, Number 2): Jossey-Bass.

Baker, V. (2017). Organizational Contexts & Formal Mentoring Programs: Aligning Individual and Organizational Outcomes. In D. A. Clutterbuck, F. K. Kochan, L. Lunsford, N. Dominguez & J. Haddock-Millar (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Mentoring: SAGE Publishing.

Baker, V. L., Greer, J., Lunsford, L. G., Pifer, M. J., & Ihas, D. (2016). Documenting the Aspiration Gap in Institutional Language About Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative WorkInnovative Higher Education, 42(2), 127-143.

Lunsford, L. G., & Baker, V. L. (2016). Great Mentoring in Graduate School: A Quick Start Guide for Protégés. Washington, DC: Council of Graduate Schools.

Pifer, M. J., & Baker, V. L. (2016). Professional, Personal, and Relational: Exploring the Salience of Identity in Academic Careers. Identity, 16(3), 190-205.

Pifer, M. J., Baker, V. L., & Lunsford, L. G. (2016). Local Cultures in Institutional Contexts: The Functions of Academic Departments in Liberal Arts CollegesJournal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, 1, 233-252.

Lunsford, L. G., Greer, J., Pifer, M., Ihas, D., & Baker, V. (2016). Characteristics of Faculty Who Mentor Undergraduates in Research, Scholarship, and Creative WorkCUR Quarterly, 36(3), 34-40.

Pifer, M. J., & Baker, V. L. (2016). Stage-Based Challenges and Strategies for Support in Doctoral Education: A Practical Guide for Students, Faculty Members, and Program AdministratorsInternational Journal of Doctoral Studies, 11, 15-34.

Baker, V. L., Greer, J., Lunsford, L. G., Pifer, M. J., & Ihas, D. (2016). Documenting the Aspiration Gap in Institutional Language About Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative WorkInnovative Higher Education, 1-17.

Baker, V. L., Pifer, M. J., & Lunsford, L. G. (2016). Faculty Challenges Across Rank in Liberal Arts Colleges: A Human Resources PerspectiveThe Journal of Faculty Development, 30(1), 23-30.

Pifer, M. J., Baker, V. L., & Lunsford, L. G. (2015). Academic departments as networks of informal learning: faculty development at liberal arts colleges. International Journal for Academic Development, 20(2), 178-192.

Baker, V. L., & Baldwin, R. G. (2015). A Case Study of Liberal Arts Colleges in the 21st Century: Understanding Organizational Change and Evolution in Higher EducationInnovative Higher Education, 40(3), 247-261.

Baker, V. L. (2015). People Strategy in Human Resources: Lessons for Mentoring in Higher Education. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 23(1), 6-18.

Baker, V. L., Lunsford, L. G., & Pifer, M. J. (2015). Systems Alignment for Comprehensive Faculty Development in Liberal Arts Colleges. To Improve the Academy, 34(1-2), 91-116.

Pifer, M. J., & Baker, V. L. (2014). “It could be just because I’m different”: Otherness and its outcomes in doctoral educationJournal of Diversity in Higher Education, 7(1), 14-30.

Kish-Gephart, J., Detert, J., Treviño, L., Baker, V., & Martin, S. (2014). Situational Moral Disengagement: Can the Effects of Self-Interest be Mitigated? Journal of Business Ethics, 125(2), 267-285.

Baker, V. L., & Pifer, M. J. (2014). Preparing for practice: parallel processes of identity development in stage 3 of doctoral educationInternational Journal of Doctoral Studies, 9, 137-154.

Baker, V. L., Pifer, M. J., & Flemion, B. (2013). Process Challenges and Learning-Based Interactions in Stage 2 of Doctoral Education: Implications from Two Applied Social Science FieldsThe Journal of Higher Education, 84(4), 449-476.

Lunsford, L. G., Baker, V., Griffin, K. A., & Johnson, W. B. (2013). Mentoring: A Typology of Costs for Higher Education Faculty. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 21(2), 1-24.

Baker, V. L., & Pifer, M. J. (2013). Antecedents and outcomes: theories of fit and the study of doctoral educationStudies in Higher Education, 1-15.

Pifer, M., & Baker, V. (2013). Identity as a Theoretical Construct in Research about Academic Careers. In J. Huisman & M. Tight (Eds.), Theory and Method in Higher Education Research (Vol. 9, pp. 115-132): Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Pifer, M. J., & Baker, V. L. (2012). Managing the Process: The Intradepartmental Networks of Early-Career AcademicsInnovative Higher Education, 38(4), 323-337.

Moore, C., Detert, J. R., Trevino, L. K., Baker, V. L., & Mayer, D. M. (2012). Why Employees Do Bad Things: Moral Disengagement and Unethical Organizational BehaviorPersonnel Psychology, 65(1), 1-48.

Baker, V. L., Baldwin, R. G., & Makker, S. (2012). Where are they now? Revisiting Breneman’s study of liberal arts collegesLiberal Education, 98(3), 48+.

Baker, V. L., & Pifer, M. J. (2011). The Role of Relationships in the Transition from Doctoral Student to Independent ScholarStudies in Continuing Education, 33(1), 5-17..

Baker, V. L., & Griffin, K. A. (2010). Beyond Mentoring and Advising: Toward Understanding the Role of Faculty “Developers” in Student SuccessAbout Campus, 14(6), 2-8.

Baker, V. L., & Lattuca, L. R. (2010). Developmental Networks and Learning: Toward an Interdisciplinary Perspective on Identity Development During Doctoral StudyStudies in Higher Education, 35(7), 807-827.

Baker, V. L., & Brown, M. K. (2009). Assessment of Business Education at a Liberal Arts College. Assessment Notes.

Sweitzer, V. (2009). Towards a Theory of Doctoral Student Professional Identity Development: A Developmental Networks ApproachJournal of Higher Education, 80(1), 1-33.

Detert, J. R., Trevino, L. K., & Sweitzer, V. L. (2008). Moral Disengagement in Ethical Decision Making: A Study of Antecedents and OutcomesJournal of Applied Psychology, 93(2), 374-391.

Sweitzer, V. L. (2008). Networking to develop a professional identity: A look at the first-semester experience of doctoral students in businessNew Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2008(113), 43-56.
